How to help?

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What happens next, you ask?  Restoration of Mt. Zion Historical Chapel will do more than simply restore one structure.  It will improve the entire historic site and solidify it's importance as a true historic resource for the community and the state.  

Our goal is to restore the structure as close as possible to its 1917 appearance based on what was available in the area while also keeping in mind best choices for the future of the structure with varied uses.  The completed restoration would ensure the building's survival and allow it to serve as a place for education/preservation, as a social/community gathering place, and as a source of rental revenue to support further historic preservation efforts within the community.  

To help us in our efforts, you can join us, donate or volunteer.  Our biggest fundraiser is the "Texas Ranger Day" which is held every year in the spring.  Come on out and join us in celebrating this fun and exciting adventure for both kids and their families!  We will post the Texas Ranger Days on our calendar as the new dates are planned.  Please let us know if you have questions or need more info.